Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Hermanus Getaway

Gansbaai is a really small town and sometimes you just need to get away...

... so we jumped on the occasion and went to Hermanus. It is the next "big" city and the weather was so nice!

We wandered around a few shops, but we were so tired from the night before that we were basically just looking out for a place to eat. As usual.

The sound of music lured us to these ladies:

Fortunately, lunch was right next to the musicians, so we headed to Cocos and took place on the terrace, from which you could hear the music.

Th menu was quite funny...

"A balanced diet is a burger in each hand." Word.

"Vegetarian is an old ancient African word that means "bad hunter"." Yeah, riiiight.

Chicken wings.

A coke and a cheese burger. They serve them with onion rings here! The perfect remedy for a long night of partying.

The view and the sunshine might also have helped just a little...



  1. Hi Em'selle,
    c'est joli la route cotière, cela me rappelle beaucoup d'autres routes côtières que nous avons déjà empruntées pendant les vacances, donc je pense que tu es en vacances! Et les plats me font penser à la Californie, les portions sont heureusement plus petites. Plein de bises et de bonnes pensées en provenance de l'autre côté de l'hémisphère!
    Mam'selle :-)

  2. Le jour de ton départ, je t'avais posté un message et sous "select a profile" j'ai choisi Wordpress ou Livejournbal, je ne me rappelle plus, je crois et il n'a jamais été publié! De toute facon, il était très personnel, l'as tu recu par un autre moyen?

  3. Signé mum (anonymous) !!
