Monday, 12 May 2014

Easter flashback

I know Easter is long gone, but the rain is seriously bumming me out and these pictures just made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. So I thought I might share them with you in case you need a little pick-me-up. Grab some left-over easter chocolate (who am I kidding here?) and have a look with me!

My sister came home for Easter and brought the sunshine with her. A blue sky, blooming trees and soft sun rays lured us out of the house. We went shopping a bit and ended up at one of my favourite places: the harbor.

We found our little spot of heaven in the HafenCity and lay in the sun for an hour. Right here:

Love love love the architectural contrasts.

Charlotte practically dragged me to this Oster Open Air on the other side of the Elbe. I must say, I was a bit reluctant because I was expecting something lame. It was far away, but the bus was so packed with nice people that I actually got excited. We arrived in this industrial area with shipping containers and found a few "ant hills".

We immediately headed to the cocktail bar. Because you know, first things first. It was packed, but with a few nice chats and new friends you can get to the front of the line quite quickly.

Someone's bringing Strawberry Caipis!

To be honest, it was a new experience for me because this isn't usually my scene, but it was awesome. Good music+genuine people+relaxed atmosphere+cocktails+sun = good time.

This random guy wanted to photobomb my picture... but we ended up posing together.

We left quite early because we wanted to join the others for the big traditional "Osterfeuer" (=Easter fire). We went to the one in Blankenese, got some food and beer, and tried not to get ashes in our faces.

The reflections made the houses look like they were on fire.

Amazed? I told you it was huge.

We dropped by one of my sister's friends house, but quickly went home after that, becaaaaause you can't be tired for the Easter egg hunt! Yes, we are almost grown up kids, so what? Can you already spot the chocolate?

Aw mah gawd.

Lunch came just in time before we choked on chocolate.
On the menu: rosemary oven potatoes, barbecued lamb filet, green and white asparagus.

And apple-strawberry Strudel with vanilla ice cream... followed by chocolate.

It makes me feel so good to think back to this! It makes the rain seem just a tiny bit less depressing.


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