Sunday, 25 May 2014

Campus Flowmarkt

I promised you sun, music and food. What you didn't know is that there were clothes involved, as well.

My friend Maria is taking a course at Uni in which they had to plan and organize an event, find the idea and the funding. So they came up with the brilliant idea of setting up a flee market.

The event planners (and Lilly and I randomly thrown in...)

In German, we call it "Flohmarkt" and witty Maria turned it into "Flowmarkt". Obviously, to host a FLOWmarkt, you need really good music. And what can I say, Maria's playlist was like the chocolate syrup on your sundae, it drenched the campus in a feel-good mood. Listening to the good vibes, people started setting up their tables and piled the clothes on them. Others just lay around on the grass, enjoyed the sun and the music.

Lilly, Charlotte and I were feeling adventurous, so we decided to rummage through a few of the stands. I wasn't looking for anything, I didn't even want to buy anything, but I saw a cool scarf. You know me, I talked myself into buying it, since Scotland gets quite cold and I will definitely need it.

I am now the proud owner of this thick grey scarf, that I got for two euros only. I really can't complain.

Lilly got a beautiful dress covered in roses, and then Charlotte decided to ditch us. We drank away our sorrows with some mint-peach punch.

There was cake (ohyeahh) and Finn was grilling lots of sausages to feed all the hungry students.

We wanted to eat something "real", though, so we headed to Qrito, which you should definitely check out if you're looking for a quick delicious burrito in Hamburg. Charlotte joined us, we packed everything up and and made our way back to the headquarters, where a few hungry people were waiting for us (and their food).

Being the proud hamburgers that we are (not burgers, the actual people from Hamburg), we were selling fritz-kola and Astra to support local products.

It was a really nice way to spend my Saturday differently. I am currently updating my Spotify playlist and adding some new favourites. You should, too!


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